Extract protein squences from the local database

cazy_webscraper can be used to extract protein sequences stored in the local CAZyme database.

The extracted protein sequences can be written to any combination of: * A single FASTA file containing all extracted sequences * One FASTA file per extracted sequence * A BLASTp database

GenBank and/or UniProt protein sequences retrieved can be extracted.

Quick Start

To extract all protein sequences previously retrieved from GenBank and UniProt, use the following command structure:

cw_extract_db_seqs <path to local CAZyme db> genbank uniprot


The cw prefix on command is an abbreviation of cazy_webscraper.


‘genbank’ and ‘uniprot’ are not case sensitive, therefore, both GenBank and UniProt are also accepted.


At least one database (either GenBank or UniProt) must be provided.

Command line options

database - REQUIRED Path to a local CAZyme database to add UniProt data to.

source - REQUIRED Define source databases of protein sequences. Accepts ‘genbank’ and ‘uniprot’. To list both, separate with a single space, e.g.

`cw_extract_sequence cazy_database.db genbank uniprot

The database names are not case sensitive, therefore, both GenBank and genbank are accepted.

--blastdb, -b - Create BLAST database of extracted protein sequences. Provide the path to the directory to store the BLAST database in.

--fasta_dir - Write out each extracted sequence to a separate FASTA file in the provided dir. Provide a path to a directory to write out the FASTA files.

--fasta_file - Write out all extracted sequences to a single FASTA file. Provide a path to write out the FASTA file.


At least one of --blastdb, --fasta_dir, and --fasta_file must be called to inform cazy_webscraper where to write the output to. If none are called sequences will be extracted._

--cache_dir - Path to cache dir to be used instead of default cache dir path.

--cazy_synonyms - Path to a JSON file containing accepted CAZy class synonsyms if the default are not sufficient.

--config, -c - Path to a configuration YAML file. Default: None.

--classes - List of classes from which all families are to be scrape.

--ec_filter - Limist retrieval of protein data to proteins annotated with a provided list of EC numbers. Separate the EC numbers bu single commas without spaces. Recommend to wrap the entire str in quotation marks, for example: .. code-block:: bash

cw_get_uniprot_data my_cazyme_db/cazyme_db.db –ec_filter ‘EC1.2.3.4,EC2.3.1.-’

--force, -f - Force overwriting exsiting files and writing to existing output directory.

--families` - List of CAZy (sub)families to scrape.#

--kingdoms - List of taxonomy kingdoms to retrieve UniProt data for.

--genbank_accession - Path to text file containing a list of GenBanks accessions to extract protein sequences for. A unique accession per line.

--genera - List of genera to restrict the scrape to. Default: None, filter not applied to scrape.

--log, -l - Target path to write out a log file. If not called, no log file is written. Default: None (no log file is written out).

--nodelete - When called, content in the existing output dir will not be deleted. Default: False (existing content is deleted).

--nodelete_cache - When called, content in the existing cache dir will not be deleted. Default: False (existing content is deleted).

--sql_echo - Set SQLite engine echo parameter to True, causing SQLite to print log messages. Default: False.

--species - List of species written as Genus Species) to restrict the scraping of CAZymes to. CAZymes will be retrieved for all strains of each given species.

--strains - List of specific species strains to restrict the scraping of CAZymes to.

--uniprot_accessions - Path to text file containing a list of UniProt accessions to extract protein sequences for. A unique accession per line.

--verbose, -v - Enable verbose logging. This does not set the SQLite engine echo parameter to True. Default: False.

Basic Usage

The command-line options listed above can be used in combination to customise the retrieval the extraction of protein sequences to proteins of interest. Some options (e.g. --families and --classes) define the broad group of proteins, others (e.g. --species) are used to filter and fine-tune the protein dataset.

The --classes, --families, --kingdoms, --genera, --species, and --strains filteres are applied in the exactly same for retrieving data from CAZy and UniProt. Examples of using these flags can be found in the cazy_webscraper and cw_get_uniprot_data tutorial in this documentation.


To extract protein sequences for members of specific CAZy subfamilies, list the subfamilies after the --families flag.