Integrate a local CAZyme database into into downstream analyses

To facilitate integrating the dataset compiled using cazy_webscraper, the data downloaded from external databases is compiled into a database using the wildly used local SQLite3 database format.

To facilitate integratting the local CAZyme database into third-party Python applications, use the get_db_connection function from cazy_webscraper, which will return an open connection to the CAZyme database from sqlalchemy.

get_db_connection takes 2 required args and one optional arg: Required: - Path to the local CAZyme database (provided as a pathlib.Path object) - Bool to set the sqlalchemy.create_engine param sql_echo. When set to True, the SQL log will be printed to the terminal Optional: - Bool to reflect if a new database. Default is False, i.e. connecting to an existing local CAZyme database

Import the function into the Python script using:

from cazy_webscraper.sql.sql_orm import get_db_connection