
Reporting bugs and errors

If you find a bug, or an error in the code or documentation, please report this by raising an issue at the GitHub issues page for cazy_webscraper

Contributing code or documentation

We gratefully accept code contributions, if you would like to fix a bug, improve documentation, or extend cazy_webscraper and its subcommands. To make everyone’s lives easier in this process, we ask that you please follow the procedure below:

  1. Fork the cazy_webscraper repository under your account at GitHub.

  2. Clone your fork to your development machine.

  3. Create a new branch in your forked repository with an informative name, e.g. git checkout -b fix_issue_107.

  4. Make the changes.

  5. Run the unit tests in the repository.

  6. If the tests pass, push the changes to your fork, and submit a pull request against the original repository.

  7. Indicate one of the cazy_webscraper developers as an assignee in your pull request.

Suggestions for improvement

If you would like to make a suggestion for how we could improve cazy_webscraper, we welcome contributions at the GitHub issues page.