Interrogating the data using the API

The data stored in the local CAZyme database can be interrogated using SQL. cazy_webscraper also includes an API, which can be used to interrogate the data in the local CAZyme database and write out the retrieved data in JSON and/or CSV format.

By default cazy_webscraper only includes the GenBank accessions of proteins matching the provided criteria, but the inclusion of additional data (such as protein squences, UniProt accessions, EC numbers, etc) is fully customisable.

Quick Start

To retrieve the GenBank accession of all CAZymes stored in the local CAZyme database, use the following command structure:

cw_query_database <path to local CAZyme db> <desired file formats>


The cw prefix on command is an abbreviation of cazy_webscraper.

Accepted file formats

cw_query_database can write the output to a csv or json file.

These are provided as the second arguments to cw_query_database. To write out both a csv and json file use both csv and json after the path to the local CAZyme database, separted with a single space.

cw_query_database <path to local CAZyme db> csv json


The order csv and json are written does not matter.


Both csv and json are case sensitive.

Command line options

database - REQUIRED Path to a local CAZyme database to add UniProt data to.

file_types - REQUIRED List of file formats to export the data in. Currently supported: csv and json.

--cache_dir - Path to cache dir to be used instead of default cache dir path.

--cazy_synonyms - Path to a JSON file containing accepted CAZy class synonsyms if the default are not sufficient.

--config, -c - Path to a configuration YAML file. Default: None.

--classes - list of classes to retrieve data from.

--ec_filter - List of EC numbers to limit the retrieval of protein data with at least one of the given EC numbers in the local CAZyme database.

--force, -f - Force writing to existing output dir. Default: False, do not write to existing target output dir. Not applied when --output_dir is not called.

--families - List of CAZy (sub)families to retrieve UniProt protein data for.

--genbank_accessions - Path to text file containing a list of GenBank accessions to retrieve protein data for. A unique accession per line.

--genera - List of genera to restrict the retrieval of protein to data from UniProt to proteins belonging to one of the given genera.

--include - List additional data to include in the output. Multiple fields can be named, separating each with a single space (’ ‘). The accepted fields are: * ‘class’ - Include the CAZy class annotations * ‘family’ - Include the CAZy family annotations * ‘subfamily’ - Include the subfamily class annotations * ‘kingdom’ - Include the taxonomic kingdom of the source organism * ‘genus’ - Include the genus of the source organism * ‘organism’ - Include the scientific name of the source organism * ‘uniprot_acc’ - Include the UniProt accession * ‘uniprot_name’ - Include the protein name retrieved from UniProt * ‘ec’ - Include the EC number annotations * ‘pdb’ - Include the PDB accessions * ‘genbank_seq’ - Include the GenBank protein sequence * ‘uniprot_seq’ - Include the Uniprot protein sequence

--kingdoms - List of taxonomy kingdoms to retrieve UniProt data for.

--log, -l - Target path to write out a log file. If not called, no log file is written. Default: None (no log file is written out).

--nodelete, -n - When called, content in the existing output will not be deleted. Default: False (existing content is deleted).

--nodelete_cache - When called, content in the existing cache dir will not be deleted. Default: False (existing content is deleted).

--output_dir, -o - Define output directory to write out structure files. Default, write structure files to current working directory.

--overwrite - Overwrite existing structure files with the same PDB accession as files being downloaded. Default false, do not overwrite existing files.

--prefix, -p - Had prefix to all output files.

--retries, -r - Define the number of times to retry making a connection to CAZy if the connection should fail. Default: 10.

--sql_echo - Set SQLite engine echo parameter to True, causing SQLite to print log messages. Default: False.

--species - List of species (organsim scientific names) to restrict the retrieval of protein to data from UniProt to proteins belonging to one of the given species.

--strains - List of species strains to restrict the retrieval of protein to data from UniProt to proteins belonging to one of the given strains.

--timeout, -t - Connection timout limit (seconds). Default: 45.

--uniprot_accessions - Path to text file containing a list of UniProt accessions to retrieve protein data for. A unique accession per line.

--verbose, -v - Enable verbose logging. This does not set the SQLite engine echo parameter to True. Default: False.

Basic Usage

The command-line options listed above can be used in combination to customise the retrieval of data for proteins of interest. Some options (e.g. --families and --classes) define the broad group of proteins for which structure files are retrieved, others (e.g. --species) are used to filter and fine-tune the protein dataset for which structure files are retrieved.

The --classes, --families, --kingdoms, --genera, --species, and --strains filteres are applied in the exactly same for retrieving data from CAZy, UniProt, GenBank, and PDB as for the extraction of data via the API. Examples of using these flags can be found in the cazy_webscraper and cw_query_database tutorial in this documentation.


To retrieve fata for members of specific CAZy subfamilies, list the subfamilies after the --families flag.

Retrieving data from a local CAZyme database

The command for using cazy_webscraper for interrogating the local CAZyme database and extract data is cw_query_databsae.